Tuesday, May 31, 2016

But have you asked Jesus into your heart?

This past week during a house-visit in the community I came across a woman who had it pointed out to her that she had not yet "asked Jesus into her heart". She was terrified because she was told that due to her not having done this, her name was not yet in the book of heaven. This woman had become a Christ follower two years ago, she changed her whole life and consistently worked to deepen her faith. Now, her entire spiritual journey was brought into question because she didn't say a phrase that she had never even been taught. I admired her drive to know God, but was saddened by how much one little phrase could mess with her faith. 

The phrase "ask Jesus into your heart" is not in the bible. Don't believe me? I'll pay you $100 if you can find it. The bible does in one place have slightly similar wording, but not in this context and definitely not in relation to salvation. The idea of a god who decides your fate based on one phrase is honestly abhorrent to me. Imagine a god so petty that he will only let you into the club when you repeat his little mantra; like a 7 year old that won't give her brother candy until he repeats back, "you are the best sister in the whole world". It's a funny image when it's a 7 year old child, a terrifying image when it's the all-powerful maker of the universe. 

Now, please don't take this as me beating my chest against people who use this Sinner's Prayer. I led my fair share of people in this prayer back in the day. Also, if I'm being honest, I do find the idea to be beautiful. This concept that your heart can become one with the divine. Imagine if our hearts were always after the heart of Jesus, wanting the best for the most trampled upon. While simultaneously knowing that God's heart deeply cares for our own hurts and hopes. 

The phrase itself is not what makes me upset. What does make me angry is all of the rules and regulations put on faith. 

Don't dance or you're not a Christian. 
You have to dance to show that you feel the spirit.  
Don't drink or do drugs because then God will be angry with you. 
You have to drink so you can minister to the secular world. 
Don't say these words. 
Say these words in this order and you're set for life. 

How can anyone keep up with it all? 

I used to have a faith of rules. Do this thing, don't do that one, know this theology and you're definitely in. It's exhausting. More than that, it's damaging. My faith has become bigger as my God has become less petty. Now I see the divine as truly loving and inclusive. I think it's beautiful that people have a desire to know more and gain wisdom, learning new phrases and explanations. But let's not let our knowledge or rules impede our Love. 

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