I'm not bragging... I'm confessing.
There is something beautiful about needing help. Humans are made to rely on each other. The accomplishment of one is pathetic compared to the accomplishments of a team. Even relationally, our minds deteriorate very quickly when human interaction is taken away from us. I believe that we were created by a Being, and throughout history that Being has made evident how necessary and holy it is to need.
But despite knowing all of that, I hate to need. Being in Cambodia has forced me to come face to face with my inability to go it alone. Here, I can't get up and go out for the day on my own. If I want to go somewhere I either find someone else who is going there or pray that I come across a Moto driver who knows the place I'm talking about. I can't cook for myself because I don't know what the fruits and vegetables here are or how to use them. I can't even have a conversation with most people unless someone else is there to translate.
Maybe I don't think I deserve to be helped.
Maybe I'm too prideful to appear week.
Maybe I'm afraid I'll be abandoned or rejected if I rely on someone else.
Maybe it's all of the above. In all honesty, I'm not sure.
My new friends here are so quick to give me a helping hand. Even if I don't ask, they go out of their way to make sure I am cared for and not left in the dark. I'm trying to learn to take that help graciously, and in that I truly think I am becoming better. It's a process, and most days I'm not there yet. Still, day by day I am learning to need others and beginning to realize that my strongest moments are the ones in which I ask for help.